(0281) 2578501-11 (Ext. 408)

Statistics Library

Book No Title Author Publication Year ISBN Price
1 Statistics for Business and Economics Anderson,Sweeney,Williams Cengage Learning 2011 13:978-81-315-1705-5 -
2 Labour&Industrial Laws - Univesal 2007 - 495
3 prayukt aakdashashtra Pro.R.T Ratani Gujrat University 2013 978-93-81265-80-2 275
4 Probability Theory Yuan Shih Chow,Henry teices Springer 1997 81-8128-137-3 -
5 Managerial Statistics Gerald Keller Cengage Learning 2012 13:978-81-3151759-8 -
6 Quntitative Methods for Business Anderson,Sweeney,Williams Cengage Learning 2013 13:978-81-315-1896-0 -
7 An Introduction to Management Science Anderson,Sweeney,Williams Cengage Learning 2011 13:978-81-315-1834-2 -
8 Mathematical Statistics Jun Shao Springer 2003 978-81-8128-257-8 -
9 Mathematical Statistics Jun Shao Springer 2003 978-81-8128-257-8 -
10 Survival Analysis David G.K. Springer 2008 978-81-8489-008-2 -
11 Survival Analysis David G.K. Springer 2008 978-81-8489-008-2 -
12 Survival Analysis David G.K. Springer 2008 978-81-8489-008-2 -
13 Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics Wamen J.,Greqory R. g Springer 2005 0-389-90082-0 -
14 Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics Wamen J.,Greqory R. g Springer 2005 0-389-90082-0 -
15 Statistics for management Richard I. L. Pearson 2013 978-81-3177450-2 -
16 Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Science Robert R. Pagan International Edition 2013 13:978-1-111-83920-8 -
17 Applied Optimization Joseph Geunes Springer 2006 81-8128-507-7 -
18 Linear Model&Generalization Rao.Toutenbury Springer 1965 978-3-540-74226-5 -
19 Labour Problems&Remedial H.L.Kumar Univesal 1994 978-81-7434-580-5 295
20 Research Methodology&Operation Research H.R.Ramnath Himalya 2010 978-93-5024-877-5 1350
21 Quntitative Techniques and Statistical K.L.Sehgal Himalya 2011 978-93-5051-236-4 1500
22 Business Statistics Naval Bajpai Pearson 2009 978-813172-6020 -
23 Bio-statistics James F. Zolman Oxford University 1993 0-19-507810-1 -
24 Probability Theory Charles M. Grinstead American Maths society 1952 978-08-821848-579 995
25 Matrix:Algebra and Generaliased Inverse A.K. Hazard Cambridge 2009 978-81-309-0952-3 2495
26 Management Science Modeling Albright Winston Cengage Learning 2012 978-81-315-1793-2 -
27 Medical Biostatistics Abhaya Indrayan Marcel Dekker 2001 0-8247-0426-6 -
28 Medical Neqligence & Compensation Jagdish singh Bharat Lan 2007 2007 81-7346-016-7 995
29 Mathematical Statistics Jun Shao Springer 2003 978-81-8128-257-8 -
30 Probability Theory Yuan Shih Chow,Henry teices Springer 1997 81-8128-137-3 -
31 Applied Data Mining Paolo Giudici Wiley 2003 0-470-8409-8 -
32 Categorical Data Analysis Alan Aqresti Wiley 1990 0-471-85301-1 -
33 Statistical Reasoninjg Psychology and education Edward W. m. Wiley 1970 978-81-265-1826-5 -
34 Intearating ISO 14001 into Quality Management Marilyn R. black American Maths society 1999 0-87389-395-9 -
35 Accounting for Management S.N. Maheshwari Vikas 2006 81-259-2140-0 395
36 Fundamentals of Biostatistics khan and khanun Ukaaz 1994 81-900941-0-9 340
37 Fundamentals of Biostatistics veer Bula rastigi Ane books 2006 978-81-8052-255-0 295
38 Probability and numerical Methods J.P. Singh Ane books 2008 978-81-8052-216-1 225
39 Research Method for Community change Randy Stocker SAGE 2013 978-1-4129-9405-7 -
40 SAS for data analysis Mervyn G.M. Springer 2002 978-0-387-77371-1 -
41 Nonparametric function Data Analysis Frederic Ferroty Philippe View Springer - 0-387-30369-3 -
42 Statistical Computing Debasis kundu Ayanen Narosa 2004 978-81-7319595-2 -
43 Fields and Galois Theory John M. Howue Springer 2006 978-81-8128-983-4 -
44 Statistics Using r. Sudha G. Purohit Narosa 2008 978-81-7319-908-0 -
45 Dose finding in Drag Development Naite ting Springer - 978-0387-29074-4 1195
46 Applied probability Kenneth Lange Springer 2003 978-81-8128-954-4 595
47 Pharmaceutical mathematics J. K. sharma Ane books - 81-8052-221-0 -
48 Partical Differential Equations Rebort c. mcowen Pearson 2004 81-297-0516-8 -
49 કોમડેસ્ક કોમ્પ્યુટર કોર્સ કીટ વિકાસ ગુપ્તા Dreamtech 2006 81-7722-246-5 199
50 People Organisation and management K. Ravichandra Himalya 2010 978-93-5024-161-5 650
51 A Modern Introduction to Probability F.M.Dekking Springer 2005 978-881848-9337-3 -
52 Mathematical Statistics Jun Shao Springer 2003 978-81-8128-257-6 -
53 C++ DR.N.N.Jani BPB Publication 2003 81-7656-752-3 -
54 Computer Fundamentals Pradeep sinha BPB Publication 2003 81-7656-752-3 -
55 A Modern Introduction to Probability F.M.Dekking Springer 2005 978-881848-9337-3 -
56 Social Work Research Lan Shaw SAGE 2010 978-1-4129-3499-2 -
57 Graph theory R.Balakrishna,K.Rangnath Springer 2000 978-8181-28-8141 595
58 Probability and combinatorics D. P. APTE EXCEL books 2007 81-7446-520-0 325
59 Clinical Trial Data Analysis Using R. Ding-Geng CRC Press 2011 978-1-43998-4020-7 -
60 Applied Linear Regression SANFORD WEISEBERG A John wiley 2005 978-0-471-66379-9 -
61 Linear Statistical Inference and Appication C. Radha Krishna Rao A Wiley Interscience 2002 0-471-21875-8 -
62 Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials Michel A.,K.K.Gordan Lan Springer 2007 978-0-387-30059-7 -
63 Statistical Methods and computer Application P.N.Arora Himalya 2009 978-81-8488-853-9 575
64 Bayesian Statistics PETER Wiley 2012 978-1-118-33257-3 -
65 Statistics for Research George Argyrous SAGE 2012 978-81-321-1035-4 -
66 Probability and Statistics Mohan Delam Pady Universities Press 2001 8173-712891 -
67 The Frailty Model M. Gail,K.K.Berg,J. Sarmet Springer 2008 978-0-387-72834-6 -
68 Information Criteria and statistical Modeling Sadanori Konishi Springer 2008 978-0-387-71886-6 -
69 Introductory Operations Research H.S.Kasana,K.D. Kumar Springer 2008 978-8181-282828 -
70 Base SAS Programming N. Jyoti Bass, K.M.Lata Dreamtech 2014 978-81-7722-769-7 -
71 Handbook of Regression and Modeling Daryl S. Paulson Chapman 2007 1-57444-610-X -
72 Applied Operational Research with SAS Ali Emraneyal ,Willian CRC Press 2012 978-1-4398-4130-3 -
73 Stochastic Learning and Optimization X1-Ren Xi-Ren Springer 2007 978-0-387-36787-3 -
74 Mixed Effects Models for Comlex Data Lang Wu CRC Press 2010 978-1-4200-7402-4 -
75 Probability and Statistics with R. Maria Dolosus CRC Press 2016 978-1-4665-0439-4 -
76 Multiple Analyses in Clinical Trials Lenuel A. Moye Springer 2003 0387-00727-X -
77 Diffrential and Integral Equations Peter J. Willings Oxford University 2006 019-569582-8 795
78 Dose finding in Drag Development Naite ting Springer 2009 978-81-8489-151-5 1195
79 Principles of Biostatistics Marcello Pagano Thomson books 2004 981-243-517-4 -
80 The logic of logistics David simchi Springer 2006 81-8128-491-7 -
81 Exact Statistical Methods for Data Analysis Sameradera weesh andi Springer 2003 0-387-40621-2 -
82 Game Theory Drew Fudebing,Jean Jirble Ane books 2005 81-8052-082-X 595
83 Fundamentals of Biostatistics khan and khanun Ukaaz 2009 81-900441-09 340
84 Biostatistics K.Vishweswara Rao Jaypee Brother 2007 81-8448-055-5 790
85 Algebra Fields and Galois Theory Falko Lorenz Springer 2006 978-81-8128-9802-3 -
86 Clinical Trials David Machin,Simon Day Wiley 2010 978-81-265-2494-5 -
87 Quantitative Techniques J.K Sharma tringty 2014 978-93-5138-037-5 355
88 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Anthony J. Hayter Cenege learning 2011 81-315-1278-9 -
89 Statistics For The Behavioral Science Frederickv Graveller cenege learning 2013 81-315-2104-4 -
90 Multivariate Statistical Analysis S.Dar gupta ,J.K.Ghosh ISI, Culcutta 1988 - -
91 Introductory Operations Research Frederics Mc Growe 1995 0-07-841449-0 -
92 Topics in Biostatistics Walter Ambroslus human Press 2007 978-1-58829-531-6 -
93 Linear Generalized Linear Mixed Models Jiming Jiang Springer 2007 978-0-387-47941-5 -
94 Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Science Jay Devore Cengage Learning 2013 81-315-1839-6 -
95 Introduction to Probabilty Mendeball Beaver Cengage Learning 2009 81-315-1850-7 -
96 Multivariate Analysis and its Applications K.C.Bhujan Central 2005 81-7381-477-5 -
97 Characterizations and Analysis of Block design A K Nigam,P D Puri,V K Gupta Wiley 1988 81-315-1625-3 -
98 Operations Research M V Durga Cengage Learning 2012 81-315-1625-3 -
99 Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis John A. Rice Cengage Learning 2007 81-315-1954-6 -
100 Statistical Learning From Regression Perspective Richard I. L. Springer 2008 978-0-387-77500-5 -
101 Fundamentals of Biostatistics veer Bula rastigi Ane books 2009 81-8052-255-5 250
102 Econometrics Badi Bultagi Springer 2002 978-81283-290 -
103 Introduction to Mathematics for life scientists E. Batschelet Springer 2003 81-8128-084-9 -
104 An Introduction to Applied Econometrics Kerry Patterson Palgrave 2002 0-333-99350-0 -
105 Statistical Design George Argyrous Springer 2008 978-0-387-75964-7 -
106 Regression Analysis by Example Samprit chatterjee Ali Hadi Wiley 2014 978-81-265-4566-7 -
107 Operation Research Ravi Ravindra CRC Press 2011 978-1-4200-9782-3 -
108 Biostatistics Wayne daniel Wiley 2012 978-81-265-2149-4 -
109 Financial and Acturial Statistics Dale Borowick Marcel Dekker 2003 0-8247-4270-2 -
110 Applied Econometric Time Series Walter Ender Wiley 2012 978-81-265-4391-5 -
111 Statistics in education and Psychology R.P.Pathak Palgrave 2011 978-81-317-5928-8 -
112 Fundamentals of Biostatistics Dr.G.C.Bhimani,mr.D.R.Yadav Nirav Prakashan - 978-93-82514-22-0 275
113 Data mining and Predictive Analytics Daniel.t,Chetan Wiley 2015 978-1-118-11619-7 -
114 Regression methods in bio-statistics Eric Vittigoff Springer 2005 978-1-118-11619-7 -
115 Applied Medical Statistics using SAS George Argyrous CRC Press 2013 978-1-4398-6797-6 -
116 Statistical Data Analysis for the life Sciences Claus Thorn Ekstrom CRC Press 2015 978-1-4822-3893-8 -
117 Probability And Statistical Inference Hogg Tanis Rao Pearson 2013 978-81-775-8553-7 -
118 Operation Research ApplicationsA Ravidran Claus Thorn Ekstrom CRC Press 2011 978-1-4200-9186-1 -
119 Design and Analysis of Experiments Roger G.Petersen Marcel Dekker 1985 0-8247-7340-3 -
120 Manual of Bio statistics J Baride,AP Kulkanni,RD Muzumdar Jaypee Brother 2003 81-8061-191-4 80
121 Q. Methodology Bruce Mckeon SAGE 2013 978-1-4522-4219-4 $19
122 Heteroskedasticity in Regression Robert L. Kaufman SAGE 2013 978-1-4522-3495-3 $19
123 Methods of Randomization in Experimental design Valentim,R.Alferes SAGE 2012 978-1-4522-0292-1 $19
124 Anoutline of Statisticsal Theory A.M.Goon,M.K.Gupta The World Press 1977 - 38
125 Programing & Data Structure Using C Atul Gonsai,Dr.N.N.Jani Neminath Printer 2004 - 110
126 Retail Marketing S.Banmathy,M.Jayalakshmi Himalya 2010 978-93-5024-886-7 650
127 Indirectv Sampling Pierre Lavaqllee Springer 2007 978-0-387-70778-5 -
128 Quality planning Control and Improvement in research devlopment George W. Roberts Marcel Dekker 1995 0-8247-9585-7 -
129 Discrete Mathematics for Comuting Peter Grossman Pagrave Macmillan 2009 978-0-230-33289-8 -
130 Essential Statistics D.G.Ress Chapman 2000 0-412-612810-1 -
131 Microarray Data Statistical Analysis Shailaja R Deshmukh Narosa Publication 2007 978-81-7319-850 -
132 Econometrics P.G. Apte Tata mac grow 1990 0-07-451521-7 -
133 Applied Logistic Regression David W Hosmen,Lemeshow Wiley 2000 978-0-471-35632-5 -
134 Organizational Behavior J.N.Newstrom Tata mac grow 1198 0-07-463764-9 -
135 ORACLE 8 Edward W. m. Tech Media 1998 81-7635-048-6 -
136 Digital Networks and Computer System Taylor L Both John wiley 1978 0-471-02254-3 50
137 Linear Statistical Inference and Appication C. Radha Krishna Rao Wiley 1978 0-845226-753-3 -
138 Statistical Inference S.W.Dharma Universities Press 1985 - -
139 Fundamentals of statistics - S.U 1985 - -
140 Research Methodology&Operation Research C. Radha Krishna Rao Wiley 1985 81-7328-036-3 -
141 કલનગણિત એ.એમ.વૈદ ગુજરાત બોર્ડ - - -
142 Fortran Programming and Numerical Method R.C.Desai Tata mac grow 1989 0-07-451579-9 -
143 Econometrics - Mc Growe - - -
144 Operations Research Ravi Ravindra Wiley 2009 978-81-265-1256-0 399
145 Statistical Cost Analysis - Mc Growe 1963 79-142968 -
146 Fundamentals of statistics S.C.Gupta Himalya 1981 - -
147 Household Consumer Expenditure S.Ray - 2005 - -
148 Time Series Analysis Robert A. Yaffee Acadamic Press 2000 - -
149 Business mathematics V.K. Khanna Vikas 1980 0-7069-9913-4 165
150 Statistics for Management R.I.Levin - - 0-87692-689-8 250
151 Leprosy Dharmendra Kothari 1978 - 30
152 Operation research D.R.Gupta S.U 1977 - -
153 The Viable Count Tsutom Hattori Springer 1932 0-910239-13-4 -
154 Statistics for Economists Julia Hebden Oxford University 1983 0-86003036-9 95
155 Oprations Research B.S.Goel S.U - - 30
156 Total Quality Managrment - - 2002 81-266-0064-0 -
157 Total Quality Managrment - - 2002 81-266-0064-0 -
158 Mathematical Statistics J.N.kapoor - 1970 - -
159 Visual Basic 6 Syevan Holzner wriolis 2000 81-7722-053-5 450
160 Statistical Methods J.medhi S.U 1992 81-224-0419-7 -
161 operation research J.K Sharma - 1989 - -
162 Methodology of Sample Survey J.N.Garg I.C.A.R - - -
163 Foraging Theory D.W Stephes S.U 1955 0-691-084424 -
164 Mathematical Programming N.S.Kambo EWP Press 1985 81-85336-47-4 -
165 Fundamental of Biostatistics Dr.G.C.Bhimani,mr.D.R.Yadav Nrav prakashan - 978-93-82514-22-0 -
166 Fundamentals Statistics A.M.Goon,M.K.Gupta The World Press 1991 - -
167 Principles of operatuion Research H.M.Wagner s 1969 - 27
168 સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદ શ્રી એસ.એન.ધર પ્રિઝમ પ્રિન્ટર 2014 - 1600
169 ગાંધી બાપુ મથુરદાસ ભૂપ્તા રતિલાલ મુળશંકર અદાણી 1947 - -
170 આધુનિક શિક્ષણ શ્રી વેણીશંકર મુરર્જીવાસુ કમલ પ્રકાશન ટ્રસ્ટ - - 25
171 કેળવણી મંથન વેલજીભાઈ દેસાઈ દિનેશ ટીલવા-કોન્ટેક એડ્ઝ - - 20
172 MEMS Dr. N.N.Jani Saurashtra University 2004 - 200
173 Motivational Damdar 108 Chuski Lalit Chande MK Pub. 2019 978-81-937421-6-7 -
174 રાઈટ ટુ એજ્યુકેશન ડો. મફતલાલ પટેલ અચલા એજ્યુકેશન ટ્રસ્ટ 2015 - 20
175 ભારતીય કેળવણી નો વિનાશ પંડિત સુંદરલાલ પુનરુત્થાન પ્રકાશન સેવા ટ્રસ્ટ 2015 - 15
176 ભારતમાં બ્રિટીશ શિક્ષણનીતિ દેવેન્દ્ર સ્વરૂપ પુનરુત્થાન પ્રકાશન સેવા ટ્રસ્ટ 2015 - 25
177 CS-62 'C' Programming & Data Structures IGNOU IGNOU 1999 - -
178 Internet&Web Dr. N.N.Jani, Dr. Nikesh shah Saurashtra University 2001 - 55
179 MEMS Dr. N.N.Jani Saurashtra University 2004 - 200
180 Vivekanand Advaita ASharma Advaita ASharma 2001 81-7505-018-7 -
181 વન પર્યાવરણ ખેતી શ્રી ડી.એમ.નાયક વન ખાતું, ગુજરાત રાજ્ય - - -
182 Operations Research G.V.Shenoy - 1986 0-85226-917-X 200
183 Gujrat Statistical Reviw A.G.Patel Gujrat University 2008 - -
184 Foundation of Research - - - - -
185 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods V.Rajaraman Prentice Hall 2001 81-203-07860 59
186 Econometrics Models Michael D.Interiligator - 1980 0-87692-153-5 -
187 Statistical Methods in Animal Sciences V.N.Amble Indian Soc. Of Agricultural Statistical 1975 - 30
188 Principles of Genetics Edward W. m. Mc Growe 1958 - -
189 Sampling Theory and Methods M.N.Murthy Statistical Publication Society 1967 - -
190 Matlab Don Fowley Prentice Hall 1995 0-13-184979-4 -
191 માહિતી પર સંશોધન વ્યવહારો ડી. એ. ઉચાર ડી. એ. ઉચાર 2004 - 125
192 Design and Analysis of Experiments M.N.Murthy New Age International 1979 0-85226-914-5 -
193 ખબર મહેક કૃષ્ણ મહેશ્વરી-નીરજ વ્યાસ સિદ્ધિ વિનાયક કોમ્યુનિકેશન - 978-81-910799-9-9 150
194 દીવાલોની ભીતર નિદા ફાઝલી સિદ્ધિ વિનાયક કોમ્યુનિકેશન 2009 - 180
195 Mathematics Catlougue 2017 - Universities Press - - -
196 Statistics Using r. S.G.Purohit Narosa Publication 2008 978-81-7319-908 -
197 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
198 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
199 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
200 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
201 Univariate Stat. Method for bus.&eco Ben W. Bolch Chiff J. Hung Prentice Hall 1979 0-13-604819-6 -
202 Moral Education K.Rama Rao Ramnik Institute 1986 - -
203 Selected Papers Of C.A.Rao S. Das Guopta Indian Soc. Of Agricultural Statistical 1989 - -
204 Introduction to Combination Theory R.C.Bose John wiley 1976 0-471-8964-4 -
205 SANKHYA-The Indian Joournal of Stat. K.B.Goswami Indian Soc. Of Agricultural Statistical - - -
206 An Introduction to Ordinary Differential equations EARL.Acoddington Prentice Hall 1968 - -
207 ગાલીબ જીવન અને કવન કૃષ્ણ મહેશ્વરી સિદ્ધિ વિનાયક કોમ્યુનિકેશન 2009 - 144
208 C Madec Easy Herbert Schildt Mc Growe 1985 0-07-099171-5 -
209 Finite Population Sampling AKPC SWAIN South Asian Publication 2003 81-7003-262-8 -
210 Computer Programming in C V.Rajaraman Prentice Hall 1994 81-203-0859-X -
211 Probability Statistics and Design of Experiments R.R. Bahadur - - - -
212 Analysis of Variance N.Giri South Asian Publication 1986 81-7003-063-3 36
213 Elementry Statistics Roger E.Kirk Brooks Coole 19847 0-534-03213-3 519
214 In Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis A Raghu Raj Wiley 1974 0-85226-022-9 2025
215 Statistical & Probability Statistical Analysis T.W. Anderson Wiley 1993 51-224-0541-X -
216 Stochastic Processes A Raghu Raj Tata mac grow 1981 0-007-451938-7 39
217 Matrices with Application in Stat. Frankinm A. Groybill Wads Warth 1982 0-534-98038-4 512
218 Topics In Algebra I.N.Heroist Vikas 1975 0-7069-0455-9 -
219 Statistical Quality Control E.L.Grant Mc Growe 1952 - -
220 Measure Theory Keshwa Prasad Krishna Prakashan 1969 - 80
221 An Introduction to Accountancy Maheshvari Vikas 2006 81-259-1851-5 350
222 Ordinary Differantial equestion Somsun Daram Narasa 2002 81-739-397-5 -
223 The Design of Experiment R.A Fisher Hafner Press 1971 - -
224 Principal of Medical Statistics Brad ford Hill Lancet Limited 1966 - -
225 The Foundation of Multivariate Analysis Takanchi Yand Wiley 1982 - -
226 Compitational Problems in Abstracts Algebra John Leech Pearson 1970 - -
227 The Design of Experiment Keshwa Prasad Wiley 1966 - -
228 Statistical Design and Analysis Watter Feders Springer - 0-387-97923-9 -
229 Fortran Programming and Numerical Method R. C. Desai Tata mac grow - 0-07-45-15-79-9 -
230 Glossary of administrative Terms - GOI 2002 - -
231 Handbook of Statistical Geneties V.K. bhatiya IASRI 1979 - 31
232 Numerical Analysis and Computation Procedure S A Molloh Book of Allied 2008 81-87134-10-0 345
233 Numerical Analysis and Computation Procedure S A Molloh Book of Allied 2008 81-87134-10-0 345
234 Sampling Theory Des Raj Tata mac grow 1979 - -
235 Microsoft Fortran - - - - -
236 Bharatiyab Educational Psychology Srivastav IIER - 0970-7603 500
237 Supply Chain Management and Reverse Logistics Herbert Schildt Springer 2004 978-81-8128-203-3 -
238 Graph Theory Application Foulds Narosa - 81-85198-84-5 -
239 Calculus Basic Conceptsv for High School Tarosav Mir 1982 - -
240 Graphtheory With application to engineering computer Science Narsing Dco Prentice Hall 1974 81-203-0145-5 85
241 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
242 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
243 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
244 The institutevof mathematical statistics S.R.Wilson - 1995 0146-3986 -
245 Bayesian Analysis Dr. Rajesh Sinh - - - -
246 Sampling Inspection and Quality Control G.B.Wetherill Science Paper Book 1969 412-14960-5 -
247 Linear Estimation and Design of Experiment D.D.Josh Wiley 1987 0-85226-5174 48
248 Operations Research for Management G.V.Shenoy New Age International 1986 0-85226-917-X 200
249 Operations Research for Management G.V.Shenoy New Age International 1986 0-85226-917-X 200
250 Basic Statistics B.L - - - -
251 Wiley series in Probabiliyu and Mathematical Statistics Raghavaroco John wiley 1971 0-471-70485-7 -
252 Verbal Resoning Dr. Rajesh Sinh S. C. Publishing 1994 81-219-0551-6 800
253 77 with Application to science and engineering R.k. Jain Mc Growe - 0-07-46164-4 -
254 Glimses of India's Statistical Haritage J.K.Ghosh Wiley 1992 81-224-0423-5 -
255 Journal of the Indian Statistical Association - - 1960 - 250
256 Economic theory J.S.Khanna - 1986 - 25
257 Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis M.B. Kanchi Wiley 1993 81-224-0429-4 -
258 Statistical Technique in life testing B.N. Pandey Narosa 2007 978-81-7319-742 -
259 Introduction to Probabilty P.G.Hoel Universal book 1971 81-85461-67-8 75
260 Gujrat Statistical Review M.Scranchi - 1931 - -
261 Graph Theory Harary Narosara 1993 81-85015-55-4 -
262 Design and Analysis of Experiments D.C.Montgo John wiley 1991 0-471-52000-4 -
263 Professor Khatri Memorial Volume Gujrat Statistical Review Sreeheri GSA 1990 - -
264 Measure tTheory And Probability Busu Prentice Hall 1993 81-203-1998-0 -
265 Combinatorial Mathematics and Application Raj Bose Sankhya - - -
266 Selected Papers of C.R. Rao - ISI, Culcutta 1990 - -
267 Introduction to Econometrics Maddela Wiley 2001 9971-51-383-8 -
268 Biostatistics Mariap Pearson 2013 978-81-317-7514-1 -
269 Measure Theory Tejalkar Pandeay CBS 1997 - 75
270 Fundamental of Applied Statistics Gupta Kapoor Sultan Chand 1984 - -
271 Calbiology C.B.Powar HPH 1995 81-7493-899-X 125
272 Elements of applied Stochastic Process Bhut Wiley 1984 0471-87826-X -
273 Principles of Real Analysis S.L.Gupta Pearson 2003 81-7808-921-1 -
274 Operations Research Taha Pearson 2017 978-93-325-1822-3 -
275 Contributions to Statistics PC mahaniob - - - -
276 Survival Analysis klein Springer 2005 97881-848900-82 -
277 Finite Population Sampling AKPC SWAIN Sap 2003 81-7003-262-8 -
278 Econometrics Singh S.chand 1988 - 50
279 INDIA 2013 - - - - -
280 Measure Integration and probability Claus Thorn Ekstrom Mc Growe - - -
281 Meta-Analysis: A Step Ahead From Researches D.A.Uchat Paras Publication 2017 978-93-5279-376-1 350
282 A Visual Guide to SPSS for Windows Dr. Anil Ambasana Dr. Anil Ambasana 2008 - 200
283 Operations Research A.M.Natarajan, P.Balasubramanie, A.Tamilarasi Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt. Ltd - 978-93-325-2647-1 -
284 SPSS in Simple Steps Kiran Pandya, Smruti Bulsari, Sanjay Sinha Dreamlech press 2015 978-93-5004251-9 -
285 Statistics Using R. Sudha G. Purohit, Sharad D. Gore, Shailaja R. Deshmukh Narosa Publication House 2009 978-81-7319-908-0 -
286 Probability And Statisticfs For Engineers And Scientists Ronald e. Walpole, Raymond h. myers Macmillan Publishong co. - - -
287 Statistics For Everyone Anil Gore, Sharayu Paranjpe, Madhav kulkarni SIPF ACADAMY 2012 - -
288 Research Methodology Methods & Techniques C.R.Kothari Wishwa Prakashan 1994 81-7328-036-3 -
289 Biostatistical Methods Stephen W. Looney Springer 2009 978-81-8489-311-3 -
290 Methods in Biostatistics B.K.Mahajan Jaypee Brothers 2010 978-81-8448-713-8 -
291 Fundamental of Real Analysis V.K.Krishnan Pearson 2004 81-297-0473-0 -
292 Fundamental of Biostatistics G.C.Bhimani, M.V.Savasani, J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 -
293 Programing Joomla jisse Reitesma YIREO 2014 978-90-822787-0-5 -
294 Opeartions Research Kanti Swarup, P.K Gupta, Man Mohan - 1986 - -
295 An Introduction to Multivariate data Analysis Trevor F. Cox Wiley 2014 978-81-265-4976-4 -
296 Probability Essentials Jean Jacod, Philip Protter Springer 2008 978-81-8128-982-7 -
297 Essential Statistics, Regression and Econometrics Gary Smith Elsevier 2013 978-93-82291-14-5 -
298 Applied Probability Kenneth Lange Springer 2008 978-81-8128-954-4 -
299 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Robert V. Hogg, Joeseph Mckean, Allen T. Craig Pearson 2019 978-93-325-1911-4 -
300 Mathematical Statistics J. N. Kapur, H.C. Saxena S. Chand 2014 81-219-1246-6 -
301 Mathematical Statistics with Applications Irwin Miller, Marylees Miller Pearson 2014 978-93-325-1905-3 -
302 Statistical Learning Theory Vladimir N. Vapnik Wiley 2018 978-81-265-2892-9 -
303 Statistics An Introduction Using R Michael J. Crawley Wiley 2017 978-81-265-4906-1 -
304 Statistical Methods N. G. Das Mc Graw Hill Education 2017 978-0-07-008327-1 595
305 Basic Econometrics Damodar N. Gujrati, Dawn C. Porter, Sangeetha Gunasekar Mc Graw Hill Education 2018 978-0-07-133345-0 -
306 Design and Analysis of Experiments (Volume-1) Oscar Kempthorne, Klaus Hinkelmann Wiley 2014 978-81-265-5252-5 -
307 Design and Analysis of Experiments (Volume-2) Oscar Kempthorne, Klaus Hinkelmann Wiley 2014 978-81-265-5252-2 -
308 Design and Analysis of Experiments (Volume-3) Oscar Kempthorne, Klaus Hinkelmann Wiley 2014 978-81-265-5252-8 -
309 Design and Analysis of Experiments Douglas C. Montgomery Wiley 2017 978-81-265-4050-1 -
310 Mathematical Analysis S.C. Malik, Savita Arora New Age International 2018 978-93-85923-86-9 -
311 Basic Econometrics Damodar N. Gujrati, Dawn C. Porter, Sangeetha Gunasekar Mc Graw Hill Education 2018 978-0-07-133345-0 -
312 Business Statistics Practice Using Data, Modeling and analitics Bruce Bowerman, Richard O'Connell, Emilly Murphree Mc Graw Hill Education 2019 978-93-5316-650-2 -
313 Business Statistics Comunicating with numbers Jaggia, Kelly Mc Graw Hill Education 2013 978-0-07-337366-6 -
314 Fundamental of Statistics S. C. Gupta Himalya 2019 978-93-5051-769-7 -
315 Clinical Trials Steven Piantadosi - - - -
316 Combinatorial Mathematics Herbert John Ryser - 1963 88-3850-001 -
317 An Introduction to Probability and Statistics Vijay K. Rohatgi wiley 2001 978-04713-4846-7 -
318 Statistics and Applications Dr. M. N. Das - 2001 - -
319 Acceptance Sampling for Attributes - - - - -
320 Acceptance Sampling for Attributes - - - - -
321 Statistics Marcel Dekker - 1976 82-477-202-4 -
322 Survival Analysis - - - - -
323 Survival Analysis John Fox - 214 - -
324 Survival Analysis Mark Stevenson - 2007 - -
325 Survival Analysis - - 2018 - -
326 Survival Analysis Roger Koenker Springer 2017 - -
327 Survival Analysis - - - - -
328 Survival Analysis - - - - -
329 Survival Analysis - - - - -
330 Survival Analysis Mei-Cheng Wang Springer 2006 - -
331 Survival Analysis Richard D. Gill - - - -
332 Survival Analysis - - - - -
333 Survival Analysis P. Heagerty - 2005 - -
334 Mathodology of Research in Social science O. R. Krishnaswami Himalya 2005 - -
335 Graph Theory - - 2005 81-2661-938-4 -
336 Basic Mathematics for Management - - 1990 81-70-91144-3 -
337 Numerical & Statistical Computing - - 1996 81-726-3856-6 -
338 Numerical & Statistical Computing - - 1996 81-72-63857-4 -
339 Processing of Data - - - - -
340 Clinical Research Methodology - - 2004 - -
341 Micro Economics Analysis - - 2007 - -
342 Macro Economics Analysis - - - - -
343 Industrial Economics - - - - -
344 Public Economics - - - - -
345 Economics of Growth & Development - - - - -
346 Advanced Financial Accounting - - - - -
347 Advanced Financial Accounting - - - - -
348 Corporate Legal Framework and Tax Planning Management - - - - -
349 Marketing Management - - - - -
350 Corporate Legal Framework and Tax Planning Management - - - - -
351 Advanced Financial Accounting - - - - -
352 Corporate Legal Framework and Tax Planning Management - - - - -
353 Marketing Management - - - - -
354 Marketing Management - - - - -
355 Swami Vivekananda An Intuitive Scientist T.G.K. Murthy Adhyaksha 2012 978-81-7823-626-1 -
356 સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદ - - - - -
357 હિંદના સરદાર Ravjibhai Manibhai Patel Navjivan Prakashan Mandir 2013 978-81-7229-502-8 -
358 પંચતીર્થ - માહિતી ખાતુ 2017 - -
359 પંચતીર્થ - માહિતી ખાતુ 2017 - -
360 સેવા એજ સાધના એકનાથ રાનડે વિવેકાનંદ કેન્દ્ર ગુજરાતી પ્રકાશન વિભાગ 2003 - -
361 વ્યસન બરબાદીનું પ્રવેશદ્વાર - - - - -
362 Maa Parmatmaa Shree Namramuni Saheb Parasdham - - -
363 સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદનું હિંદુ રાષ્ટ્રને ઉદબોધન શ્રી એકનાથ રાનડે - 2003 - -
364 સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદ - - - - -
365 How to win Friends and Influence People Dale Carnegie Taraporevala's 1964 - -
366 આપણે ફેર વિચારીએ મુનિશ્રી ચંદ્રશેખર વિજયજી - 1974 - -
367 સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદ જીવનચરિત્ર - સ્વામી સર્વ્સ્થાનંદ - 81-89157-02-7 -
368 લોકશાહી રાજ્યવ્યવસ્થા: તત્વ અને વ્યવહાર હસમુખ પંડ્યા - 1974 - -
369 વ્યસન બરબાદીનું પ્રવેશદ્વાર - - - - -
370 શ્રીમદ્ ભાગવતકથા ધીરુભાઈ મેહતા ગંગાજળ વિદ્યાપીઠ 2007 - -
371 વિવેકાનંદ શીલા મિશ્રા વિલક્ષણ 2019 978-93-83538-91-1 -
372 યોગ-વિયોગ ચેતનાબેન વ્યાસ આધ્યાત્મ 2019 - -
373 CIC Solution Bank (CIC-02) KPH Kamal Publishing House 2001 - 30
374 Certificate in Computer Concept-B.A.O.U.(Application)2 Dhiren Patel & Ajay Parikh Nisan Offset 2005 - -
375 Certificate in Computer Concept-B.A.O.U.(Application)2 Dhiren Patel & Ajay Parikh Nisan Offset 2005 - -
376 A Visual Guide to SPSS for Windows Dr.Anil Ambasana Saurashtra University 2006 - -
377 Computer Oriented Numerical Methods Ck Kumbharana & Dr.nn jani Saurashtra University 2004 - -
378 Explore Programming Langauge Using C Dr.Prashant M. Dolia & Mr.Milan S. Bhatt Nirav Prakashan 2009-2010 978-81-908873-3-5 -
379 web development using PHP Mayank Mankodi Bharat & Co. 2007 - -
380 Network Basics & Introduction to Internet,WWWW,HTML Shailendrasinh D. Jadeja Bharat & Co. 2007 - -
381 Computer Fundamentals & Emerging Technology Ajaysinh K. Jadeja Bharat & Co. 2007 - -
382 Programming in C Kalpna p.joshi Ananda prakashan 2007-8 - -
383 Computer Quiz B.L.therja & Pankaj Therja rupa & co. 1992 81-7167-083-0 -
384 Information Technology Shyamal M. Tanna Bharat & Co. - - -
385 RDBMS Using Oracle Shamik Rathod & Hasit Mehta Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
386 Computer Organization & Architecture Dr.Ajaysinh K. Jadeja Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
387 Mathematical Fundamentals & Graph Theory C.K.Kumbharana & DR.N.N.jani Saurashtra University 2005-06 - -
388 Expro 2.5/2.6 Kalpna p.joshi Ananda prakashan 2005-06 - -
389 Internet & Intranet Engineering Daniel Minoli Tata mac grow 1999 0-07-463743-6 -
390 Unix Shell Programming Yashvant P. Kanetkar BPB Publication 2002 81-7029-753-2 -
391 Bulls,Bears & The Mouse Dr.Kamlesh N Agarwal Macmillan Publishong co. 2000 0333-93472-5 -
392 ORACLE 8(A Begginer's Guide) Michael Abbey &Michael J. Corey Tata mac grow 1998 0-07-463009-1 -
393 ORACLE 8(PL/SQ Programming) Scott Urman Tata mac grow 1999 0-07-463942-0 -
394 ORACLE 8(DBA Handbook) Kevi Loney Tata mac grow 1999 0-07-463250-7 -
395 Theory And Problems Of Data Structures Seymour Lipschutz Mc Graw Hill 1998 0-07-099130-8 -
396 ORACLE 8(The Complete Reference) George Koch & Kevin Loney Tata mac grow 1999 0-07-463228-0 -
397 Theory And Problems Of Programming In C Byron S. Gottfried Tata mac grow 1992 0-07-460144-x -
398 Microsoft Visual Basic.Net Shyam N. Chawda Nirav Prakashan - - -
399 An Integrated Approach Toeards System Development Dr.Prashant M. Dolia & Mr.Jaypalsinh A. Gohil Nirav Prakashan 2010-11 81-908873-8-6 -
400 Concept Learning With Internet & java Technology Dr.Prashant M. Dolia & Mr.Milan S. Bhatt &Mr.Shardul J.n Agravat Nirav Prakashan 2010-11 81-908873-9-4 -
401 Efficient Programming Practice In C Dr.Prashant M. Dolia & Mr.Milan S. Bhatt &Mr.Ashwin R. Dobariya Nirav Prakashan 2010-11 978-93-81060-01-8 -
402 ASP.NET With C# Shyam N. Chawda Nirav Prakashan 2012 - -
403 Programming with C# Shyam N. Chawda & Nilesh Advani Nirav Prakashan 2011 978-93-81060-51-3 -
404 ASP.NET & VB NET Web Programming Shyam N.Chawda Nirav Prakashan - 978-93-81060-36-0 -
405 DBMS Using FOxPro M.V.Dalsaniya Bharat & Co. 2009-10 - -
406 Business Mathematics-1 Mr.Kalpesh Vakani Bharat & Co. 2010-11 978-81-909634-0-0 -
407 Microsoft ASP.NET Shyam N. Chawda Nirav Prakashan - 93-81060-50-9 -
408 Programming with C# Shyam N. Chawda & Nilesh Advani Nirav Prakashan 2011 978-93-81060-51-3 -
409 System Analysis & Design,Software Engineering & Ms-Access DR. Ajaysinh K. jadeja,Prof.Ashish Desai,Mrs.Jasmin Manoj Nirav Prakashan 2011 978-93-81060-52-0 -
410 Computer Fundamentals P.K.Sinha BPB Publication 1992 - -
411 Computer Today Suresh K Basandra Galgotia Pub. 1996 81-86340-74-2 -
412 Programming In C Shyamal M. Tanna Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
413 Visual Basic Mr.Rushikesh Raval Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
414 Introduction To The C Language Pro.Kiran K Dave Padmavati Printers 2001 - -
415 Introduction to the Computer & Disk Operating System Prof.Kiran K. Dave Padmavati Printers 2000 - -
416 Successful Projecs In Visual Basic D.Christopher BPB Publication 2001 81-7656-401-X -
417 Theory Of Fundamental DOS 'C' Langauge M.V.Dalsania Patel Offset 2000 - -
418 Fundamemtal Of Relational Database Ramon A. Mata & Pauline K. Cushman Tata mac grow 2001 - -
419 RH007 Red Hat Linux Desktop redhat - - -
420 RDBMS Using Oracle Hasit Mehta,Shamik Rathod Bharat & Co. 2008-909 - -
421 web development using PHP Mayank Mankodi Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
422 Networking & Internet Environment Shailendrasinh D. Jadeja Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
423 Principles Of Emerging Technology & Computer Fundamentals Dr.Ajaysinh K. Jadeja Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
424 System Analysis & Design,Software Engineering Shamik Rathod & Hasit Mehta Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
425 Computer Graphics Shamik Rathod & Hasit Mehta Bharat & Co. 2008 - -
426 Commercial application Development Using Oracle Developer 2000 Ivan Bayross BPB Publication 1997 81-7029-899-7 -
427 Practical Networking Frank J. Derfler Prentice Hall 2000 81-203-1661-4 -
428 Networking & Internet Environment Ms.Anjana Mungara &Mr.Sunil Gosaliya& Ms.Bhakti Rajgor Divya Publishing House 2011 - -
429 Data Structures Using C R.D.Morena,Priti M. Tailor,Vaishali J. Dindoliwala Nirav Prakashan 2014.978-93-82559-16-0 - -
430 Programming with C K R Venugopal,Sudeep R Prasad Tata mac grow 1999 0-07-463443-7 -
431 Programming in Foxpro Design. Team Aptech Computer Education 1995 - -
432 Computer Science-Theory & Application E Balagurusamy,B Sushila Tata mac grow 1999 0-07-463528-X -
433 Data Structures Using C R.D.Morena,Priti M. Tailor,Vaishali J. Dindoliwala Nirav Prakashan 2014 978-93-82559-16-0 -
434 Mobile Computing K.H.Wandra Akshat Pub. 2003 - -
435 Introduction To Information Dr.Nikhil Parikh B.S.Prakashan - - -
436 Microsoft Visual Basic.Net Shyam N. Chawda Nirav Prakashan 2008 - -
437 Java 2 By Example Geoff Friesen Prentice Hall 2000 81-203-1671-1 -
438 Inside C# Tom Archer WP Pubshers & Distributors 2001 81-7853-050-3 -
439 Computer Fundamentals KPH Kamal Pub. 2001 - -
440 Elements Of SAD KPH Kamal Pub. 2000 - -
441 CIC Solution Bank KPH Kamal Pub. 2001 - -
442 CCC- (Foundation -1) BAOU BAOU - - -
443 CCC-(Internet-3) BAOU BAOU - - -
444 CCC-(Internet-3) Shree Ganibhai Vora BAOU - - -
445 CCC-(Foundation-1) Shree Dhiren Patel, Shree Ajay Parikh BAOU - - -
446 Programming in C IGNOU IGNOU 2000 81-7263-615-6 -
447 Sample GUI Oriented Applications IGNOU IGNOU 2000 81-7605-423-2 -
448 CCC-(Practical Work) Harendra P. Pandya, Kiran J. Desai, Jayvadan Gandhi BAOU - - -
449 CCC-(Practical Work) Harendra P. Pandya, Kiran J. Desai, Jayvadan Gandhi BAOU - - -
450 Data Processing through COBOL Dr. Ranjit Biswas IGNOU 1997 81-7263-633-4 -
451 Advanced Concepts of COBOL Prof. P.S.Grover IGNOU 1999 81-7263-723-3 -
452 Computer Fundamentals : Hardware & Software IGNOU IGNOU 2001 81-7605-420-8 -
453 Computer Fundamentals : Communication, Networking, Security IGNOU IGNOU 2001 81-7605-421-6 -
454 A Graphical User Interface IGNOU IGNOU 2001 81-7605-422-4 -
455 Sample GUI Oriented Applications IGNOU IGNOU 2001 81-7605-423-2 -
456 System Analysis Shri M.P.Goel, Dr. Ranjit Biswas IGNOU 2001 81-7263-651-2 -
457 System Design Shri M.P.Goel IGNOU 2001 81-7263-737-3 -
458 System Development and Implementation Shri M.P.Goel IGNOU 2001 81-7263-738-1 -
459 Management Information System Prof. S. Sadagopan IGNOU 2001 81-7263-739-x -
460 Case Studies Prof. Parag Diwan IGNOU 2001 81-7263-626-1 -
461 SAD : Imerging Trends Prof. M.M.Pant IGNOU 2001 81-7263-831-0 -
462 RDBMS and DDBMS Mr. Sashi Bhushan IGNOU 2000 81-7263-866-3 -
463 Emerging Trends in Database Management System Uttapal Bhattacharya, Mr. Shashi Bhushan IGNOU 2000 81-7263-823-x -
464 Computer Fundamentals : Hardware & Software IGNOU IGNOU 1999 81-7605-420-8 -
465 Computer Fundamentals : Communication, Networking, Security IGNOU IGNOU 2000 81-7605-421-6 -
466 A Graphical User Interface IGNOU IGNOU 1999 81-7605-422-4 -
467 CIC Solution Bank (CIC-01) KPH Kamal Publishing House 2001 - 30
468 CIC Solution Bank (CIC-05) KPH Kamal Publishing House 2001 - 30
469 MCA Solution Bank (Numerical and Statistical Computing) KPH Kamal Publishing House 2001 - 50
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